Some Interesting Facts That You Should Know About Taj Mahal!

No doubt, the Taj Mahal is one of the best heritage centers that each and every person has a dream to visit the place at least once. Being one of the recognizable monuments in the world, it holds the most powerful and famous testimonies of love. If you want to travel here, you would some extra money. Earn the money for your next trip. Play simple and interactive betting games at

However, the history of the Taj Mahal is indeed much more fascinating that every visitor loves to visit the place a second or more times. But did you know there are still some facts about the Taj Mahal that are unheard of? If you want to make your visiting place more interesting, then you must know some facts which are mentioned below.

    • It was a time period of 1632-1653, when the Taj Mahal was built. Shah Jahan nearly 32 million rupees on the construction of what we now recognize as the epitome of love. Wondering what would be the value of money at present? Well, today, the amount would be close to $1 Billion.
    • About 28 types of semi-precious and precious stones were used for adorning the Taj Mahal, and they were sourced from China, Sri Lanka, Tibet, and many parts of India. These stones give a more impressive look to the Taj that visitors love it and want to spend some quality time with their beloved ones.
    • If observed carefully, the four pillars of minarets are tilted outwards rather than standing straight. The reason why it was constructed in such a way? It protects the main tomb from being damaged with the falling of minarets on it. Also, it also protects from natural calamities like earthquakes and many more.
    • The story of arms of artisans being cut-off to make sure that no such monument was ever built again in history. That’s true, No one can compare other heritage places with the Taj Mahal because it is one of the visiting places not only among Indians but also other countries persons.
    • The marble stones used in the construction were bought from different countries and regions. Out of which the translucent white marble was bought from Makrana, a well-known place for marbles in Rajasthan, which was imported from China.
    • Did you know Agra was not supposed to be the actual site for the Taj Mahal? Yes, its right, earlier, the Taj Mahal was to be built in Burhanpur (Madhya Pardesh) where Mumtaj died during the childbirth. So, it’s the history of how it was built initially.
    • No doubt, the Taj Mahal is one of the most visited places that have over 4-8 million visitors annually. Sometimes, there are over 50-60 thousand visitors in a single day to capture some best pictures and make good memories. It is also one of the beautiful monuments in India that everyone loves to visit with their beloved partners.

The Final Words!

The points as mentioned-above are very mandatory, especially for those who love to visit different places and the Taj Mahal is one of them that every person from all over the world has the desire to visit at least once.

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