A Complete League Of Legends Overview

League of Legends, a video game of competitive play, pits two teams of 5 players against each other. Players control a hero and battle to destroy the Nexus, the base…

Top Easy To Use Self Protection Tools

Self protection tools empower individuals with reliable methods to protect themselves in various scenarios. Self protection tools are non-lethal and include stun weapons, batons, pepper sprays, personal alarms etc. Pepper…


1) Trans-Canada Trail Natural Features – mixed forest and agriculture, large wetland just east of Atkinson Road, Jackson Park, Little Lake, Otonabee River, Ecology Park Plants – marsh marigold and…

The Africa Issue | The 2012 Annual Edit

The thing about Africa is that Africa will always have issues. We’re not talking about AIDS, war, or poverty though. We’re talking about creative entrepreneurs, movers-and-shakers, and economic opportunities. And…

Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam

Invariably, armies are accused of preparing to fight the previous war. , Lieutenant Colonel John A. Nagl—a veteran of both Operation Desert Storm and the current conflict in Iraq—considers the…

Wedding Gift Ideas For Guests

Weddings can be tricky to shop for, even when the couple has a registry. But a well-chosen gift can really make their big day. Travel journals are a great way…

Online Games: Relax And Meet New Friends

Online games are a great way to relax, meet new friends and improve your skills, using tools such as wild rift rank boost. They can also help you build strong…

Mix Border Shopping – Why A Lot Of Canadians Arrived At The United States to look

You will find benefits to mix border shopping, a phrase accustomed to describe travelling from Canada towards the U . s . States to be able to purchase goods and…

NIP programme ‘has generated R23bn for SA’

South Africa’s National Industrial Participation (NIP) programme has generated investment and sales credits valued at $3,5-billion during the past eight years, says the Department of Trade and Industry. “We believe…

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror

The war on terror has created near unanimity on many points, at least within the American press and political leadership. One essential point of agreement: al Qaeda specifically and radical…

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