National Issue – Food Waste In America!

You must visited any restaurant for doing a party along or for dinner, but have you ever think about the food that you leave on the table? Well, if no…

National Security Is In Threat!

Terrorism is on peak and we can see so many things that happens in the world and especially the nations that are closed, but their relations are not strong enough.…

Population Growth – A Big National Issue for India!

Population of India is mushrooming significantly over the last six years. The economy of the India has grown per year at an average rate of 8%. According to the survey…

Air Pollution By Crackers – A Common But Very Significant National Issue!

Huge population means great number of motor vehicles on the road that leads to air pollution. No doubt, most of the nations are working well to controlling the air pollution…

Look At The Critical National Challenges Faced By India!

India is a country, where you will get mixture of happiness and also the violence. India is seeking to continue a nationally stable and internationally competitive power by underlining quick…

The Africa Issue | The 2012 Annual Edit

The thing about Africa is that Africa will always have issues. We’re not talking about AIDS, war, or poverty though. We’re talking about creative entrepreneurs, movers-and-shakers, and economic opportunities. And…

Schools in Delhi Will Not Reopen Till the Situation of Covid19 is under Control

Schools & Colleges have been shut since March Due to the Covid19. A lot of states have already opened the schools, but Health Minister Satyender Jain has already announced that…

COVID-19 – India reports 69,735 New Cases in Last 24 Hours

We are all facing this situation of a global pandemic because of coronavirus. This virus started from a lab in Wuhan, China, and has now spread all around the world.…

Various fake invoices of GST invoke from the government under COFEPOSA!

There are many nationwide works against fake GST invoices, but the government is examining the offenders and books them under COFEPOSA. It is working under the GST laws and income…

Adults, Kids Should Stay More Fit in the Era of Pandemic: WHO

Almost every country is affected by COVID-19. Recently, Britain has recorded a higher amount of death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 20 million people are living in the…

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