Banking Operations & Transports will Get Affected in India

UP Government has already extended the crucial services maintenance act. More than 25 crore workers are already participating in the nationwide strike. Under the Essential services, maintenance act Government is banning strikes in every corporation & department for almost six months. More than ten central trade unions have already announced the day-long strike. Plenty of associations & independent federations have also become the main part of the joint platform. United Front of Farmer organization has become the main part of the joint platform. Urban areas have already decided to come on the roads for the ‘Chakka Jam.’

Effects on Transportation Service

Taxi & auto drivers have already decided to keep roads off in various states. The majority of the services will be get affected by India Today. Defense employees & federation of the railway both have decided to have a significant amount of Mobilization on Thursday.

Banking Sectors will hit

Banking services will surely be getting affected in a variety of states. Bank Unions have also announced a strike for the one day to participate in the trade unions. Biggest Banks like Bank of Maharashtra & IDBI have declared that normal operations may get impacted due to the strike. Plenty of associations & independent federations are also participating in the Joint Platform.

The Main cause Behind the Protest

The majority of the unions are protesting for the labor & new farm laws. They are also raising a variety of demands. The joint platform is also raising some demands. They want almost 10 Kilograms of free ration every month. Unions are also participating in the strike because they need the expansion of the MGNREGA. The main reason behind the protest is to withdraw the anti-worker & anti farmer laws.

Haryana Farmers

Haryana Farmers have also initiated the ‘Delhi Chalo’ From the District of Fatehabad. A considerable amount of farmers from Haryana & Punjab is marching into the National Capital in the Tractors & other vehicles. They are protesting against Contentious farm laws. To supervise the critical situation, police have already installed various barricades to control the situation. Farmers will be reaching Delhi on Wednesday. The majority of the Haryana Government employees are also participating in the strike today. The government has already rejected the variety of requests that are received from a variety of farmer organizations. The situation is already getting worse in this Pandemic. Delhi Metro Will also get affected today. No Trains from NCR towns will enter Delhi.

The Main Demand of the Farmers

    • It is one of the biggest strikes where trade unions are also asking the center to offer 200 days of work in the year at the enhanced wages.
    • Protestors are also demanding the transfer of cash of Rs 7500 each month to the families who aren’t paying the tax.

Strike Has Begun

The Farmers Protest has begun in every state of India. Response to the strike is also perfect in the City like Maharashtra. Trade Unions have also initiated the nationwide strike against the new labor laws.

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