Adults, Kids Should Stay More Fit in the Era of Pandemic: WHO

Almost every country is affected by COVID-19. Recently, Britain has recorded a higher amount of death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 20 million people are living in the complicated category of the COVID-19. They are following the toughest rules. The government of London has already announced the “High alert” Second tier. In case any person is breaking the rule in England, then they have to pay the higher fine. Recently, the Health Minister of the England Matt Hancock announced the complete information of the regional system. The government has announced complicated rules for every tier. If you want to save the lives of beloved ones, then you need to follow the guidelines that are created by the Government. In this trying time, we need to have back up funds to buy the essentials and playing at could really help us with that.

New Guidelines

Six people are permitted to meet the outdoors in England. Hospitality venues are providing alcohol with the meal. There are a lot of hospitality venues that will be remained closed in the tier. This will be complicated for those people whose jobs get affected. Almost three regions in the England place in category 1. Isles of Scilly & Cornwall have already been removed from the crowded areas of the countries.

Announcement by WHO

As per WHO, Kids and adults must pay close attention to the fitness in the era of a pandemic. Adults must invest approximately 150 minutes in vigorous physical activity every week. They will have to maintain the diet plan. It is the toughest time of the era that can create a negative impact on life. This exercise has become important for the mental health & well-being of Coronavirus. It is highly recommended for adolescents and kids to do 1 hour of exercise on a regular basis. They will have to limit the time in front of smartphones or other gadgets and maybe play sports like tennis and use the best rackets from

India will launch the National Hydrogen Mission.

Recently, PM Narendra Modi has announced that India will launch the National Hydrogen Mission. SECI is already searching for inviting the bids to build the efficient green hydrogen plants that will make the use of renewable energy sources. Hydrogen will surely become one of the most important areas of cooperation between the US & India. This is going to be an upcoming generation fuel. Hydrogen is completely free from emission. The majority of the private & public sector firms are already searching for hydrogen as a new opportunity for the business.

Farmers Are Coping With Water Cannons While Protesting

Farmers are protesting in Delhi, and they have broken the barricades. They have already made their way to enter into Delhi. The government is continually using the water cannons & tear cannons to stall their progress. Farmers are protesting because the Government has passed a new bill. The majority of the Angry farmers have thrown stones at the security forces. The government has increased the security at Delhi-Karnal Highway. The majority of the vehicles such as buses & trucks, have already remained strained on the highway.

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